Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Warren Buffett has prostate cancer, sees no danger

Warren Buffett told his company's shareholders in an open letter
Tuesday that he has been diagnosed with early-stage prostate cancer.

The 81-year-old billionaire investor and CEO of
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. said his condition is "not
remotely life-threatening" or debilitating. He said
he and his doctors have decided on a two-month
treatment plan that is to begin in mid-July.

Buffett said he was diagnosed April 11 and has
received tests including a CAT scan, a bone scan
and an MRI.

Buffett is known for a no-nonsense approach to investing. He is one of
the world's richest men and, in recent years, has become one of its
most generous philanthropists.

Culled from The Canadian Press

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