Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas back then!

Everyday no bi Christmas. A popular idiom meaning not everyday is one's lucky day. Well today is another day not like every other day.
To some its a time to make merry with friends and loved ones. To others its a time to relax and take a break from the hassles experienced all through the year. Thus the phrase "Happy Holidays"
I would go into the history of Christmas and what it means but then that would bore the lot of you. But if you're one to seek knowledge in a field others would care less about, go ahead and find out more about it. To me however, Christmas is a time to spread joy and happiness. This philosophy is a product of the orientation I had about the season as a kid. I recall with nostalgic fondness how my folks would make available "Christmas clothes" for me and brothers days prior to the actual Christmas celebration on the 25th of December. Then we would request for money to purchase fireworks. Banger as it is called in street parlance. Christmas in those days featured gift sharing from Santa Claus or Father Christmas as I still call it. While some kids would scream as he beckoned on them to retrieve their Christmas presents, others would sit comfortably on his thigh with their present guarded jealously in their hands and smiles stamped beautifully on their faces.
In those days we would look forward to rice and chicken served on Christmas day. This I'm sure obtains in most Nigerian families till this day. Any talk of eating anything short of rice and chicken, say eating Eba or worse still Beans would force you as a parent to answer specific questions like: Do you know Christ was born today? Do you think today is the day we  celebrate the anniversary of Christ weeping?
Christmas was beautiful. Still is. Everyday no bi Christmas. Well today is. Enjoy it. Merry Christmas people!

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